eDiscovery Certification Council


Promoting the eDiscovery  Profession

  • Your Voice in the Industry

eDCC works hard to represent our membership of eDiscovery  professionals every day as we collectively work toward achieving our vision of inspiring a safe and secure cyber world.

Advocacy at eDCC takes on many forms, including:

  • Informing the public about how our members make them safer every day
  • Leading and participating in marque industry events to promote the profession and facilitate best-practice sharing
  • Encouraging students to join the workforce and better understand the opportunities a career in eDiscovery  offers them
  • Informing government agencies, ministries and policy-makers worldwide about the necessity of a competent, growing eDiscovery  workforce
  • Educating the media on the issues facing the eDiscovery  workforce and its role in defending our economy, data, infrastructure and all our critical assets
  • Researching the challenges and opportunities we face as a profession and proposing solutions for our most critical issues, such as growing and attracting a competent and diverse workforce
  • Building awareness about eDiscovery  as a rewarding, enriching and attainable career assistance to make the profession more accessible to deserving students
  • Collaborating with universities focused on educating the future eDiscovery  workforce, as well as non-profits and other organizations introducing veterans, women, minorities and other under-represented populations to eDiscovery  careers 
  • Providing valuable education to non-eDiscovery  professionals

Leading Through Action

We are dedicated to tirelessly promoting the value and critical contributions certified eDiscovery  professionals provide to governments, enterprises, healthcare providers, educational institutions and organizations of all sizes around the world. 

Educating the Future Workforce

eDCC works with academic and higher education institutions around the world to support their eDiscovery  curriculum development, teaching and course creation initiatives for cyber, information, infrastructure and software security. Developed to equip graduates and academic staff with much-needed eDiscovery skills. This program provides access to the professional knowledge maintained by eDCC’s certified membership of practicing professionals.