eDiscovery Certification Council

Types of E-Discovery Professionals

While the exact duties and titles of an e-discovery professional vary depending on the employer, there are a few common types:

  • Document coders: These professionals input data and import and organize databases. Someone starting in e-discovery may be a document coder, depending on their education and expertise.
  • E-discovery analysts/specialist: In this role, professionals analyze ESI to determine what’s relevant and coordinate with stakeholders. They may also do technical troubleshooting and administrative tasks related to their firm’s e-discovery software.
  • E-discovery managers: Managers oversee e-discovery teams and communicate with outside firms and vendors. They may set deadlines and manage the day-to-day work of their teams. They may also handle staffing on their team.
  • E-discovery directors: Directors are executives who oversee all the e-discovery teams within a firm. They typically oversee a department budget and staffing levels on e-discovery teams. They are also responsible for e-discovery business development and strategic planning.